
éjszakai búvár oktatásNight diver training is justly one of the most popular diving courses, because the depths of seas offer intriguing sights not only during the day, but certain creatures set out in the dark of night to hunt for prey. If you want a peek into the night life of marine life, complete our Night Diver course.

You need not wait too much to be able to start your night diver training, because all you need is ten verified dives and Open Water Diver certification to enrol.

fotográfus búvár oktatás, búvároktatásIf exploring the underwater world is not enough, and you also want to capture its beauties to show to others the way you see them, Photographer Diver training is the ideal choice for you.

This diving course offers you the knacks of taking excellent photographs, and expands your knowledge of marine creatures. Remember that good buoyancy is a prerequisite to taking stunning underwater photos, because no award winning photograph justifies the smallest piece of broken coral.

You can enrol in this diving course if you have 24 verified dives as a minimum, as well as Advanced Open Water Diver certification.

Vezetőbúvár oktatás, búvároktatásIf you have Rescue Diver certification and three other certificates of specialty diving, plus 100 logged dives as a minimum, you can obtain Master Scuba Diver certification to mark your excellence.

A Master Scuba Diver course is suitable for those who do not aim to become professional divemasters or instructors.

Nyíltvízi búvártanfolyam (Open Water Diver - OWD)An Open Water Diver course provides you with the basic skills of scuba diving. The exercises completed during swimming pool dives prepare you for the real adventure: open water dives.

When you complete your minimum of four open water dives, you will apply what you have learnt during your pool sessions. If your tight schedule does not allow you to attend theoretical classes, you can prepare for the theoretical test on your own, using first-rate UEF diver training materials received from your instructor. Even with home learning, your instructor will certainly keep checking on your progress, and will help if you are stuck.

Szabadtüdős búvároktatás (Snorkel Diver - SD)Snorkel dives are a great experience and help you improve your water safety, physical condition and diving technique.

Although snorkel diving is available at countless sites even without the assistance of a dive centre, a Snorkel Diver course can teach you a lot about the right way to use your equipment, about marine life, as well as pressure equalisation techniques.

A Snorkel Diver course is an excellent foundation for scuba diver training, if you feel like carrying on with your adventure.

Gyermekbúvár tanfolyamIf you want also your child to become familiar with the extraordinary underwater world, and your child can swim and feels safe in water, he/she can take a diving course, then dive in pools with a diving instructor or a divemaster, to a maximum depth of 3 metres.

The underwater exercises are designed to ensure that children can learn the basic diving skills playfully. Uniquely, the course book was written involving kids aged 8 to 10 contributing their special approach and proposals to the remarkable success of UEF’s Kid Diver course book.

Gyermekbúvár tanfolyamGyermekbúvár tanfolyam