UEF training materials

One of the key goals of Underwater Explorers' Federation is to adopt standard and mandatory training materials. This is why we publish our own course books, instruction videos and CDs. We produce our training materials in cooperation with the most qualified and experienced diving instructors.

alapfoku-buvarismeretekWritten by Attila K. Kollár, this book targets students of beginner UEF diving courses, but it may also be an interesting read for any diver or anyone interested in diving. The ten chapters in the book provide fundamental and most crucial knowledge for divers, and even go a bit beyond the basics: supplementary information adds colour, creates interest and puts the basic knowledge of diving into more perspective. At the end of the book, tests are provided to check knowledge acquired in each chapter, with the solutions available. Most of the theoretical knowledge can be learnt from the book, but comprehensive instruction also calls for additional materials, such as a CD-ROM and the relevant regulations, as well as the instructor's presentations and consultations. The diving instructor administers practical training, swimming pool (confined water) and open water dives, preparation for which is covered in the relevant parts of this book. The book "Open Water Diver" may come useful even after a diver has completed the course, just to refresh knowledge.

halado-buvarismeretekReaders of the course book will see that the author, Attila K. Kollár made maximum effort to build up the training materials and elaborate on the details of dives in the relevant chapters in order to ensure safety. 280 pages of materials, hundreds of photographs and illustrations, as well as lots of test questions are provided to make sure that the theoretical knowledge necessary for an advanced diver is acquired. The ten chapters cover the basic rules of navigation, night dives, boat dives, sea cave diving, drift diving and diving around wrecks.

merulesek-szabadtudovelWhen writing this course book, the author, Attila K. Kollár took into consideration the expectations and rules of international diving instruction. The seven chapters describe the history of snorkel diving, the UEF diver instruction system, the equipment of snorkel divers, the method of performing dives, and the solutions to be applied when encountering problems while diving. To present the "dry" facts of physics and physiology, the author chose to describe an imaginary dive to supply the relevant information. The book gives a detailed view of the living and non-living environment of dives, and addresses environmental protection and conservation.

merulesek-roncsokonThe book was written for recreational divers, and consequently does not provide technical diving skills. The volume is similar to the previous UEF course books in terms of appearance, structure and layout. Nearly 250 pages illustrated with photographs, drawings and tables that walk readers through the process of wreck diving. The chapters address the history of wreck diving, the special features of wrecks, the equipment needed for such dives, the dive preparations and planning, as well as dives in wrecks. The book devotes an important portion to the problems potentially arising during wreck dives and their solutions, as well as the relevant issues of environmental protection.

merulesek-nitroxThis course book contains all information needed for safe diving with nitrox mixtures; moreover, the history of nitrox also makes an interesting read.
The richly illustrated 80-page book was written by Attila Kerékgyártó and Attila Stitz.
ISBN 978-963-88803-0-7

merulesek-melymerulesWritten by Attila K. Kollár

150 pages

ISBN 978-963-06-6125-6

merulesek-gyermekbuvarWritten by Attila Kerékgyártó

120 pages

Írisz Agócs

ISBN 978-963-88803-1-4